10 October 2005

The agnostic Buddhism of Stephen Batchelor

Here is a nice article about Stephen Batchelor and his aproach to buddhism.
"The current study examines the agnostic Buddhism of contemporary scholar and practitioner Stephen Batchelor. The main question under examination is whether the essence of Buddhism is undermined when interpreted through Batchelor’s agnostic and “belief-free” lens. In an attempt to answer this question, Batchelor’s main philosophical texts – Alone With Others, The Faith to Doubt, and Buddhism Without Beliefs – are analysed, as are three critiques of his work written by Bhikkhu Punnadhammo, Bhikkhu Bodhi, and Sangharakshita. It is concluded that while Batchelor is discarding many of the conventional trappings of Buddhism, he is not placing its integrity at risk."
Some talks by Batchelor can be found at audiodharma.


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