20 October 2005

Meister Eckhart: God abides in the creatures

Two passages from Eckhart, Die deutschen Werke, ed. J. Quint,Stuttgart-Berlin 1936- (translated by Ellopos):
"All creatures are a pure nothing. I don't say they are insignificant or a something: they are absolute nothing. Whatever hasn't essence does not exist. No creature has essence, because the essence of all is in the presence of God. If God withdrew from the creatures for just one moment, they would disappear to nothing." (Speech 4, DW I, pp. 69-70).

"All creatures are words of God. What my mouth says and reveals about God, the same is becoming by the existence of a stone, and man understands the work better than words." (Speech 53, DW II, p. 535)


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