30 August 2005

The central point of Wilber-5

"In other words, there is no real space that is not always already a space-arising-as-a-perspective; therefore we cannot say that occasions (or holons or beings) come into existence and then see each other, because the "seeing each other" and the "existence" cannot be asserted apart from one another. To say that the quadrants arise simultaneously is to say that ontological dimensions and epistemological perspectives are one and the same thing, which is why we often call them dimension-perspectives.

This does not mean "to be is to be perceived," for that implies there is being per se that can be perceived; nor is this to say that perception creates being, for that implies that perception itself exists apart from something perceived. This is rather to say that being and knowing are the same event within the set of perspectives arising as the event. The idea that being and knowing (or existing and prehending) are somehow different things arises only because we shift from one perspective-occasion to the other without realizing what we are doing. There is simply no perception that is not also a perspective, and therefore no appearance of being that exists other than as a phenomenal perspective. (If you are starting to get the sense that the phenomenal or manifest world is an infinite hall of mirrors, that is indeed the suggestion. Samsara is built of perspectives, not perceptions.)" —Ken Wilber

24 August 2005

Alberto Caeiro

Fernando Pessoa, assigning as Alberto Caeiro, makes a kind of "philosophic poetry" that remains a pure and naked vision of reality, a non-sick looking on nature, things, people and happenings. Some say he is an anti-philosophical type, an anti-romantic, anti-methaphysical, even anti-poet! He has been called a materialist too, a pagan or the "paganism itself".

There are some interesting similarities between that singular knowledge and Wittgenstein's thinkings on some matters, and, as strange as it can possibly look, the poems sometimes sounds like the zen and the prajna experience.

I'm with the folks who think Caeiro simply "is".
(As things, for him, simply "are")

My glance is clear like a sunflower

My glance is clear like a sunflower.
I use to walk on the roads,
Looking to my right and to my left,
And, sometimes, looking behind me...
And what I see at each moment
Is something I'd never seen before,
And I can do it pretty well...
I know how to feel the essential wonder
That a child feels if, on being born,
it could note that it really has been born...
I feel that I am being born on each moment
for the eternal newness of the World...

I believe in the World as in a daisy
Because I see it. But I don't think about it
Because thinking is not to understand...

The World was not made for us to think about it
(To think is to be eye-sick)
But for us to look at and to be in tune with it...

I have no philosophy: I have senses...
If I speak of Nature, it's not because I know what it is,
But because I love it, and that's why I love it,
Because the lover never knows what he loves,
Neither why he loves, nor what love is...
Loving is the eternal innocence,
And the only innocence is not to think...

- Alberto Caeiro
[from "The keeper of Sheep"]

Translation by Fábio
[I've done my best!;)]

18 August 2005

Reality and Illusion

In his most recent writings (available on-line), Ken Wilber really shows his brightness. Take this idea, for example: "everything is real in its own worldspace". This puts and end to the old philosophical problem about reality and illusion. It's Nagarjuna approach coming again. Better yet, this deconstructs the original question. To say that everything is an illusion is to say that everything is real.

Lama Padma Samten says there is no reality, just beings who experience reality. No reality, just a sense of reality. Ken Wilber, in his Integral Post-Metaphysics, explains that there are infinite worlds enacted by infinite beings in this crazy hall of mirrors... Have you seen Waking Life?

08 August 2005


Alan Wallace seems to have certain sympathy to James's pragmatism, as he show it in some talks and articles.
Well, I like it too ;) And I would make this little single link to The Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms, and rescue a bit of pragmatism's roots:

"According to that logical doctrine which the present writer first formulated in 1873 and named Pragmatism, the true meaning of any product of the intellect lies in whatever unitary determination it would impart to practical conduct under any and every conceivable circumstance, supposing such conduct to be guided by reflexion carried to an ultimate limit."

"In particular, he [Nicholas St. John Green] often urged the importance of applying Bain's definition of belief, as "that upon which a man is prepared to act." From this definition, pragmatism is scarce more than a corollary; so that I am disposed to think of him as the grandfather of pragmatism." ('Pragmatism', CP 5.12, 1907)

- Charles S. Peirce

05 August 2005

Juan Ramón Jimenez

"The land leads us by the land
but you, sea,
leads us by the sky"
Juan Ramón Jimenez

1956 Nobel Laureate in Literature "for his lyrical poetry, which in Spanish language constitutes an example of high spirit and artistical purity."

[Picture and translation by Fábio ;)]